
Legal Services

  • Assistance in company founding: choice of the legal form, status of the Managing Director, formalization of the business plan, drafting of the statutes, registration with the Trade and Companies Register, etc.
  • Update of statutes following a change in the corporate name, the closing date or the corporate purpose, a transfer of the head office, a replacement of the management, a transformation into another form of company, a capital increase, etc.
  • Holding of the annual legal secretariat: convening to the general meetings, drafting of the minutes, keeping of the meeting register, filing of the accounts with the registry of the Commercial Court
  • Assistance with the formalities of cessation of activity: minutes of dissolution and closing of liquidation, registration of deeds with the tax authorities, legal publicity, administrative formalities for removal from the Trade and Companies Register, filing of the dossier with the registry of the Commercial Court

Tax and Social Services

  • Assistance of the management during inspections performed by the tax authorities or social organizations: presence during interviews, passing on of supporting documents, formal answer to the controller’s questions and, if needed, to his proposal for rectification
  • Support to private individuals in the fulfillment of their tax, social and administrative declarations

Miscellaneous Services

  • Assistance in compiling the audit file submitted to the statutory auditors: review of the accounts, collection of supporting documents and classification by activity cycle, drafting of summary notes, if necessary, proposal for reclassification or adjustment
  • Provision, for a limited period of time, of a financial director or an interim manager to compensate for the absence of a manager or an employee: accounting, tax, social, administrative work
  • Assistance with the retirement of the Managing Director: regularization of the mistakes identified in the career statement, fulfilment of the retirement formalities in the frame of a combination work-pension, if necessary, constitution of the application file for financial support