Public Accountancy

Accounting Services

  • Assistance in keeping and reviewing the accounts: book-keeping, control of balances and flows, analytical review
  • Presentation of annual or interim accounts: preparation of the balance sheet, the profit and loss accounts and annexes, and provision of a certificate on the consistency and the likelihood of the accounts taken as a whole
  • Preparation of periodic account closings and financial reports for the Finance departments and the managers of French and foreign firms
  • Compilation of accounts: for groups of companies keeping the accounts of their French subsidiaries in a foreign country, preparation of annual or interim financial statements in accordance with the French regulation
  • Verification and preparation of special certificates on specific information requested by clients
  • Examination of forecasted financial information prepared by clients: control of the reasonable nature of the assumptions and estimates used, accuracy of their translation into figures, consistency with historical data

Tax Services

  • Assistance in the preparation of mandatory tax returns (income tax, VAT, corporate real estate contribution, etc.): determination of the taxable amount, calculation of the tax due, reconciliation of the flows and accounting balances with the declared amounts

Social Services

  • Assistance in the preparation of pay-slips and social declarations: hiring declaration, monthly nominative social declaration, payroll journal, statement of social charges, payroll accounting entries, etc.
  • Support in carrying out administrative formalities related to personnel management: employment contract, amendment, severance pay, contract settlement balance, termination by mutual consent of an employment contract, etc.
  • Compliance of the company with the social law: mandatory displays and registers, company’s internal rules of procedure, occupational risk assessment register